Saturday, January 31, 2009


No surprise that being from Utah I'd somehow be linked to Mormonism. Sure enough I was raised Mormon, but stopped considering myself one at 16 years of age. I continued to go through the motions until I was 18. Going to church, participating in church activities, and feigning interest in the religion. I felt at 18 I was confident enough to stand up to my mother. Really put my foot down on the religion thing! She shrugged it off as a rebellious phase, and has been in denial about it ever since. Why do I bring this up? Because I've become what ever former Mormon, who has chosen to live an alternative lifestyle fears, I've become a project.

This is how it unfolds. Once you turn the magical age of 21, and dare I say it....haven't gotten married, you are encourage to go to what is called a singles ward. (A ward is the exact same thing as a parish). All in the hopes that you will meet that special boy or girl, and after a brief courtship you'll settle for someone you don't want, get married, and have babies. Someone, I'm assuming my mother, tipped off the folks in charge that I was back from my summer travels. They have made it their mission ever since, to save me from eternal damnation. They come in pairs, usually on Sundays, and tell me that they missed me at church that day. Really?! I haven't been to a church service in years, and you've just barely noticed my absence. My, what an observant group you are! I've been heckled at the gym by these people. At the height of my cardio workout no less! Most recently I was invited to join a large group of these singles, headed south to go skeet shooting. What was my excuse, you ask? 'I have strong issues about gun control.' If they had only known they, disrupted the cleaning of my 12 gauge when they came to the door. I do not fault these people for trying to magnify their calling to find my lost soul. One might ask, 'Heather why don't you just put your foot down and tell them to hit the road?' Well, that would be like kicking a puppy. A sick, homeless, frail puppy. I just don't have the heart to do that.


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