Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Today, I had a nice day. I spent it by myself, which was nice. I have introverted tendencies, so sometimes I like to do things like sit in a corner and stare at the nail holes in the wall, or pace the room back and forth. Today, there was snow to look at so that made my visual experience more stimulating. I made a butternut squash spice cake, and it ended up tasting like a lot like everything else I bake. My cooking takes two forms: it tastes either like a heavy, fibrous breakfast cake that activates the intestinal region; or it tastes like lentils. I reading a book for people that can't cook that is quite patronizingly called: "Subtlety of flavor and its importance in my life". I did a load of laundry today as well. I had to empty the dryer because Jon's stuff was in it. So I folded his towels, pyjama pants and dish towels, then promptly stopped up his toilet. After much plunging, I decided to drink some coffee and call my mother. Then I decided to call Kevin, a supervisor at I thought a little tooooo much time had passed to not give him a piece of my mind.Then I watched Dr. Phil, a scheduling upset that delayed my online webcast recap of the past two episodes of Grey's.Tonight, Dana and I have a date with "Paranormal State". SCCCCCAAAARRRRRYYYY!!!!

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